Liver Cancer Symptoms and Precautions for Early Detection

October 7, 2024 by 123bodyscan0

As the world becomes conscious of its health, it is always crucial to appreciate the features of severe illnesses such as liver cancer. This knowledge and early detection are key assets that help everyone at ViaScan to live healthy and long lives. One of the amenities found in our clinic is the wellness body scan, which aims to detect potential issues that can become major problems in the future. Liver cancer is our topic of the day, which is much easier to treat when diagnosed at an early stage.

What is the First Sign of Liver Cancer?

Initially, liver cancer does not show definite signs and symptoms, and therefore, it is considered a stealth disease. However, there are subtle signs that shouldn’t be ignored: Unexplained weight loss: This is usually one of the first symptoms of liver cancer, and it is also a common symptom of hepatitis. So, if you are dropping pounds without any modifications to your diet and activity levels, it is advisable to take measures.

Fatigue: It should be noted that fatigue is associated with many illnesses; hence, constant and undue tiredness may be a sign of liver cancer, most noticeable in women seeking liver cancer symptoms female. Loss of appetite: One of the early signs of becoming full rapidly after ingesting small portions of meals is one of the signs. Abdominal discomfort: An early sign indicating something was wrong might be a sort of indistinct uneasiness in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, the location of the liver.

What are the Symptoms of Liver Cancer?

As liver cancer progresses, more noticeable symptoms may appear: 

  • Jaundice: Jaundice, which is characterized by yellowing of the skin and white parts of the eye, is usually a sign of liver disease, including cancer. 
  • Abdominal swelling: This may be a result of ‘congestive hepatomegaly,’ meaning an additional condition due to accumulated fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites) or an enlarged liver.
  • Liver cancer red spots on skin: Spider angiomas are small red spots in the skin.
  • Liver cancer skin rash: Some patients come with many pruritic erythematous maculopapular rashes. Nausea and vomiting: These symptoms are usually aggravated as the disease progresses to the next level.
  • Liver cancer skin changes: More vulgar symptoms include skin rash or the appearance of red spots, increased skin sensitivity to direct sunlight, or increased skin frailer and prone to bruising. 

How to Detect Liver Cancer Early?

Treatment is most effective if it is done early enough. Here are some methods: 

  • Regular check-ups: Regular check-ups may suggest some symptoms of liver ailment, most especially during annual physical exams.
  • Blood tests: It is noteworthy that AFP blood tests can be used to diagnose liver cancer. Imaging tests: Ultrasounds, CT scans, and MRIs can diagnose tumor on liver symptoms even when you cannot see them.
  • Full body scan: If you visit a ViaScans center for our full body scans, you will be happy to know that our scans can identify the early stages of liver and other organ diseases. 
  • Liver function tests: These blood tests can show your health care team how well your liver is functioning.

What are the Signs of Liver Cancer?

While similar to symptoms, signs are objective indications of disease that healthcare professionals can observe. Enlarged liver: In a physical examination, one may palpate that the liver is enlarged. Symptoms of cancerous liver lesions: Some of these are Intra-abdominal masses, which can be palpable or visible. Abnormal blood tests: Abnormal liver enzymes or high levels of alpha-fetoprotein are among the symptoms of liver cancer. Imaging findings: They can identify tumors or other anomalies in the liver.

What Does Liver Cancer Feel Like?

The physical sensations associated with liver cancer can vary. Still, they may include the following: The major symptom, and one shared with acute appendicitis, is mild right lower quadrant pain that may radiate to the upper right quadrant, right back, or right shoulder. Discomfort in the abdomen or lower chest area after eating or drinking. Feel uncomfortable when laying on the left side of the body because the liver has swelled or enlarged. They include feeling unwell without an apparent specific cause or widespread discomposure in the absence of one disease-related complaint. These sensations can be minor and thus easily ignored, which is why the idea of performing routine Wellness Body Scan procedures is so helpful.

What Causes Liver Cancer?

Understanding the causes of liver cancer can help in prevention and early detection. Chronic viral hepatitis (B and C): Such infections cause a chronic liver disease that may result in cancer. Cirrhosis: Hepatic damage due to several factors enhances the occurrence of cancer. Excessive alcohol consumption: This can cause cirrhosis and also boost the probability of cancer. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: It is usually connected with the presence of excessive weight and diabetes illnesses. Aflatoxin exposure: This finding shows that toxin is prevalent in mold crops and causes cancer among farmers. Inherited liver diseases: Some diseases are associated with increased risk, like hemochromatosis and Wilson’s disease, among others. Diabetes and obesity: The following conditions are with a higher risk of liver cancer:

How do you know if you have Liver Cancer?

A definitive diagnosis of liver cancer requires medical evaluation. Physical examination: Your doctor will diagnose you with tumor on liver symptoms the common signs include abdominal swelling or jaundice. Blood tests: These can also test liver function in addition to searching for signs of a tumor. Imaging tests: Echosonography, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging can make images of the liver and determine if there is something wrong. Biopsy: Liver cancer is diagnosed when a tissue sample of the liver is looked at under a microscope. Wellness body scan: This is why, at ViaScan, we can do a thorough scan on the liver, which is capable of identifying problem areas early before they manifest symptoms.

Choose Our Wellness Body Scan

Early Detection Saves Lives!

    • Accurate
    • Quick Result
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Liver cancer is a severe type of cancer, and, together with conscientiousness and early diagnosis, treatment results can be optimized. At ViaScan of Las Colinas, we believe in arming you with information and technology to help you and your family avoid many potential health hazards. Some of the services that we provide, including what we call our wellness body scan services, are preventive, and some diseases like liver cancer, for example, could be detected at an early stage before they progress to more serious stages. When you search for information about liver cancer symptoms, know the factors that put you at risk of getting this disease, and attend your annual physical exam, you are already on the way to improving your well-being.

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