13 Common Causes of Pain Under the Right Rib Cage
Feeling uncomfortable or pain under the right rib cage can be very painful, and knowing the cause is even more annoying. The protected organs include the liver and gallbladder, as well as parts of the digestive system. Problems in this area can be as mild as discomfort connected to indigestion or as severe as liver illness. This blog presents 13 types of pain under the right rib cage and answers some basic questions to give you an idea about the possible causes of the problem.
Why Does It Hurt Under My Right Rib Cage After Eating?
Any pain that develops at the location of the right rib cage after a meal may be associated with various problems related to the digestive system or the gallbladder. As much as it may differ with different people, foods that trigger heartburn pain are foods that are fatty or heavy meals. You must seek to know what causes this if you have always had that patient look on your face after taking a meal.
Chololiths are concretion that forms in the gallbladder because of an unnatural composition of bile substances. The gallbladder contracts after fatty meals to secrete bile, so if a stone occurs in the gallbladder, severe pain may occur. This pain may extend to the back or should. A study in the Journal of Gastroenterology reveals that gallstone prevalence is 10-15% of adults worldwide, and diet heavily influences the management and prevention of gallstones (Shaffer, 2018).
- Cholecystitis (a term applied to inflammation of the gallbladder).
If the gallstones are in the bile ducts, there is an inflammation of the gallbladder and sharp pain under the right rib. This inflammation, including the associated symptoms such as fever and nausea, calls for medical attention immediately.
Indigestion or Gas
Occasionally, the intake of huge amounts of food is accompanied by the formation of gases and causes uneasiness under the rib cage. This discomfort is usually washed with a belch or passing of gas; hence, it can be solved temporarily.
Can Pain Under Ribs Be Related to My Liver or Other Vital Organs?
The liver and gallbladder are below the right rib cage and play major roles in digestion and elimination of toxins. Pain may be constant or recurrent in any organ or part of these organs involved in an illness or disease. This type of discomfort may be continuous low pain, a pinprick-like pain, etc.
Liver Conditions
Possible causes of right-sided rib pain include Hepatitis, Fatty liver disease, or liver Abscesses. This pain is usually associated with other signs, such as yellowing of the skin, tiredness, or bloating around the belly. According to the WHO global report, about 296 million people had chronic hepatitis B in 2019, hence the need to keep the Liver healthy.
While pancreatitis pain is usually located on the left side, it occasionally extends to the right rib. This condition demands medical attention and mostly causes nausea, vomiting, and fever.
However, while appendicitis ache starts close to the belly button and then migrates towards the lower right abdomen, it can begin under the rib cage. This is an emergency condition that needs some attention.
IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
IBS often manifests in stomach rumbling, excessive flatulence, and discomfort or actual pain under the lower right ribs. It can especially be felt after meals, a situation made worse by stress. Calming one’s diet and stress levels can reduce symptoms. Everyone who has compared IBS with other illnesses knows that IBS can cause cramping, bloating, and that uncomfortable feeling under the right rib cage.
Can Respiratory Issues Lead to Rib Cage Pain?
Pain associated with breathing is sometimes mistaken for rib cage pain since it becomes painful with deep breaths or coughing. It is possible to include pneumonia, which is an infection of the lung, or pleurisy, which is inflammation of the lining of the lungs and chest wall.
Lung Infections
Flu, like pneumonia or bronchitis, which affects the lungs, often leads to sharp or stabbing pains under the rib area. This pain may be accompanied by coughing, fever difficulties, or loss of breath, and thus, it is essential to consult a doctor. According to a study conducted by Mandell et al. in Chest Journal, those experiencing an episode of respiratory infection presented with rib pain, and the patients were mostly older adults.
Pleurisy is a medical condition in which the tissue lining the lungs becomes irritated, either by an infection or an injury. The pain is stinging and gets worse with breathing or muscle movement. It can sometimes feel like actual rib cage pain.
Could Muscle Skeletal or Some Other External Factors Be a Reason For My Discomfort?
At times, a person can experience discomfort right under the rib area due to musculoskeletal or other extraneous causes. Overuse or sprains may cause this kind of pain, as can viral infections that affect muscles and joints.
This is an inflammation of the cartilage that joins the ribs to the sternum and will only produce pain within the rib area. It tends to hurt more when the affected area is moved or when one coughs or presses a body part.
Muscle Strain
A muscle pull or strain can be caused by physical exertion, lifting heavy objects, or any activity that puts pressure on the rib cage. This sort of pain is almost always described as stabbing and is usually aggravated by specific activities such as breathing or moving.
Chickenpox, which reoccurs as shingles, produces pain and a burning sensation in the underside of the rib cage. A rash in the affected region usually accompanies this pain, making it distinct from other causes.
Kidney Stones
Although kidney stones are often accompanied by back or side pain, larger stones may cause discomfort in the area below the right rib. Other symptoms may include blood in the urine and a quick or slow inability to urinate.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the most common functional intestinal disorder that affects between 10 and 20 percent of adults.
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Pain under the right rib cage or the lower right ribs means many demands. It can have several underlying causes. Some are non-threatening, while others are life-threatening organ-related ailments. Understanding the type of pain and the signs associated with it will help inform whether one requires medical attention or just changes in one’s daily life.
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