May 2024 - Viascan of Las Colinas – Non-Invasive Preventative Body Scan and Screening Services


In today’s fast-paced world, when time and health are vital, the efficacy of medical procedures is a crucial consideration in healthcare decision-making. Because the total body scan yields so much information about a patient’s health, it is becoming a more common diagnostic technique. Viascan of Las Colinas is one of the major providers of this service because of its reputation for commitment to wellness and state-of-the-art technology. The present essay delves into the intricacies of full-body scans, highlighting the duration needed, benefits, and unparalleled expertise of a Full Body Scan.

Full Body Scan for Cancer?

As the name suggests, a whole-body scan for cancer looks for anomalies across the entire body. One imaging test that can be used to screen for cancer is a full-body scan. During these exams, a radiologist creates precise pictures of the inside of the body organs to assist in screening for anomalies. This provides medical professionals with a noninvasive method to examine the body and search for problems, such as possible cancerous growths. A full-body scan for cancer can not only identify anomalies but also provide medical experts with information on the extent of the illness’s spread. Early cancer detection can lead to more successful treatment outcomes for medical professionals.

What is a Full Body Scan?

A full body scan is a type of imaging that doesn’t require any invasive procedures or incisions. A comprehensive wellness body scan can find abnormalities or potential health issues wherever on the body. This type of scan reveals minute information about the body’s organs, tissues, and systems using state-of-the-art imaging technologies such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or positron emission tomography (PET). Put another way, since a full-body scan can examine every organ in your body, it can provide you with a detailed picture of everything that is happening inside of you.

Why would a Doctor Order a Full Body Scan?

Physicians frequently request body scans from their patients to diagnose and identify internal health issues. The doctor may examine these scans, which provide incredibly precise images of various bodily areas, to see whether anything is amiss. These scans can be of many different kinds, including MRIs, CT scans, X-rays, and more. These scans provide detailed images by subjecting the human body to several radiation types that are then detected by a detector. These scans can also be of many kinds, like full body, GIT, heart, or lung scans. Full-body scans are performed as preventative measures. One may notice any internal issue in their body early on by having full-body scans done once a year or every six months. This allows medical professionals to treat these issues before they worsen.

What does a Full Body Scan Detect?

A full-body scan provides clear, detailed pictures of the patient’s anatomy that the doctor may review. This medical device, also known as X-ray computer tomography (CT), examines a person’s heart, lungs, and abdomen/pelvic area. Another name for this technology is computerized axial tomography (CAT). In short, a Full-body scan uses cross-sectional X-ray pictures to assess a patient from below the hips to below the chin. On the other hand, tiny irregularities that could or might not be a sign of a serious ailment could be discovered when the body is scanned without a defined objective. Medical professionals refer to benign tumors that are frequently found by accident during a full-body scan as “incidentalomas.”

What is the Best Scan to Detect Cancer?

In today’s advanced world, different imaging options can detect cancer at an early stage so that the required treatment can be persued. Different scanning options include 

  • CT (Computerised Tomography) Scan

The physician conducts a CT scan to create multiple-angle pictures of the inside of your body using x-ray technology.

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

 An MRI scan creates precise, computer-generated pictures of your body by using strong radio waves and magnets.

  • Ultrasound

Also known as sonography or ultrasonography, ultrasounds are imaging exams. An ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to make pictures of inside organs.

  • PET/CT scans, or Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography. 
  • Breast imaging (Mammography)

The doctor uses a form of x-ray called a mammography to evaluate women for breast cancer.

How do you Get a Full Body Scan?

Full body scans are comprehensive diagnostic procedures used to identify a variety of health concerns. They are typically carried out at a hospital or specialist outpatient clinic. Combines X-ray pictures captured from various angles to create slices or cross-sectional views. With the slices, your doctor can see your body in three dimensions. It is quite simple and quick to prepare. Your doctor would likely advise you to fast for a few hours before the surgery. Depending on what your doctor wants to look at, it can take two or six hours. Consult your nearby scanning facility to get your full body scan.

Are Full-Body Scans Worth it?

Full body scans have proven advantageous for the global community, enabling people to preserve their health and avert illness. It is preferable to control problems early rather than treat them later. Having yearly cardiac scans can also prolong life. Therefore, looking for good scanning centers nearby is a great idea to take preventative steps and take care of your health. Full body scans also provide a thorough insight into how your body is doing, urging you to make healthy lifestyle changes; after all, your health is worth everything.

Where can I Get a Full Body Scan?

A complete body scan service might be deemed the best for a person based on a variety of factors, including the most important one, location. When looking for a scanning service, it is best to look for one that is nearby. This can save you a lot of money and time. Additionally, being close to your place of business might simplify routine examinations by reducing the need for you to make lengthy trips for your scanning needs. 

Choose Our Full Body Scan to Detect Cancer

Early Detection Saves Lives!

    • Accurate
    • Quick Result
    • Affordable


The completion time of a full body scan may vary depending on several factors, including the imaging center’s policies and the tools used. However, the benefits of having these wellness body scans, which include in-depth assessment and early detection, far outweigh any worries about the potential length of time. A lovely alternative for receiving full body scans every few months is Via Scan of Las Colinas. This guarantees that your body is free from illness, and if it is, the patient is contacted first to discuss the course of treatment and other considerations.


The lungs are vital organs located in the chest. They are essential to the respiratory system’s ability to breathe in oxygen-containing air (inhalation) and exhale carbon dioxide (exhalation). It is crucial to keep an eye on the health of your lungs since any flaw in this process might have a negative influence on your ability to operate daily. Spirometry is one of the most fundamental medical procedures used to examine lung health; these tests include known as lung scan function tests or pulmonary function tests (PFTs). It necessitates going to the doctor or other medical facility. When lung disorders like asthma necessitate more regular lung health checks, this presents a hurdle. Because of this, one needs to keep an eye on obvious systems that enable home lung health testing.

How to Test Yourself for Lung Cancer?

While there are a number of at-home screening tests available for some diseases, such as colon cancer, lung cancer is not among them. Even if comparable tests are being developed, only a physician can perform tests to diagnose lung cancer at the present time. Early detection of lung cancer might enhance your prognosis. Home testing may be able to detect signals produced by cancer cells even in the absence of symptoms.

To find out whether more testing is required, it’s crucial to follow up with a physician or other healthcare provider because you might misunderstand the results. To diagnose lung cancer, a medical professional may use imaging tests or a biopsy. Since at-home tests still carry some danger, many medical professionals advise against using them.

What Does a Black Spot on your Lung Mean?

A pulmonary nodule is typically described as a spot on the lungs. This is a tiny, spherical tumor on the lung scan that appear on imaging scans as a white spot. These nodules usually have a diameter of fewer than three centimeters (cm). Don’t worry if your doctor discovers a pulmonary nodule on a CT or X-ray of your chest. Most pulmonary nodules are benign or noncancerous, and they are rather frequent. Up to half of all lung CT scans reveal nodules. A malignant lung nodule would often measure more than 3 cm in diameter or exhibit other features, such as an uneven form.

 What is a VQ Scan?

The Ventilation (V) Perfusion (Q) scan, commonly known as a VQ scan, consists of two scans that measure blood and airflow in your lungs. The first scan evaluates the efficiency of your lungs’ airflow. Your lungs’ blood flow path is examined in the second scan. The ventilation scan’s airflow and the perfusion scan’s blood flow should coincide if the lungs are functioning normally.

A discrepancy between the perfusion and ventilation scans (V being superior to Q) may point to a PE or obstruction. You will be given a “tracer,” which is a low-risk radioactive material, for both scans. This material releases radiation that highlights any regions with irregular blood or airflow.

 How Long Does a VQ Scan take?

VQ scans consist of two distinct scans. In the initial scan:

  • You have to be cautious not to move about as you lie on a table.
  • It will be necessary for you to cover your mouth and nose with a breathing mask.
  • You will be required to breathe in a small quantity of low-risk radioactive gas through a tube for around five minutes. You won’t feel any difference after using the petrol.
  • Under a scanner, the table will move; therefore, you must remain still.
  • Your chest and the movement of air in your lungs will be captured by the scanner on camera.

    In the subsequent scan:

  • You have to be cautious not to move about as you lie on a table.
  • A low-risk radioactive dye will be injected into your arm by your doctor.
  • The dye will enter your lungs and pass through your blood.
  • Under a scanner, the table will move; therefore, you must remain still.
  • The imaging device will capture pictures of normal lungs’ blood flow.
  • Each scan takes around 15 minutes, and the whole VQ scan takes between 45 and 60 minutes.

 Can a VQ Scan Detect Lung Cancer?

VQ scans have a limited role in early lung cancer detection. A pulmonary blood clot can be diagnosed with a VQ scan. If untreated, blood clots can be lethal. Your doctor may suggest a VQ scan if you are experiencing signs of a blood clot, such as severe discomfort while breathing in and shortness of breath. A pulmonary embolism, or PE, is another name for a blood clot. Your doctor may also recommend a VQ scan to assess lung function prior to or following surgery. In order to determine your lung function, providers may also utilize a VQ scan: 

  • Following a lung transplant.
  • Prior to having a lung removed entirely or in part surgically.
  • In the course of diagnosing or treating lung disorders such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

 What Does a Normal CT Scan of the Lungs look like?

A normal-sized lung CT scan for Cancer shows no inflammation, enabling the diaphragm to dilate. Emphysema patients’ lungs may seem over inflated due to muscular atrophy, which distorts the diaphragm. Cystic alterations result from the demise of air sacs. 

  • Physicians may view intricate images of a patient’s lungs using computerized tomography (CT) scans.
  • They resemble X-rays in that they display a bigger picture of the injured area of the body. 
  • Compared to X-rays, lung CT scans may capture a variety of tiny images.

 These may help medical professionals determine whether a patient has emphysema or whether their lungs are in good shape.

Choose Our Preventive Lung Scan

Early Detection Saves Lives!

    • Accurate
    • Quick Result
    • Affordable


Even while there are tests and gadgets that allow you to perform an at-home lung cancer test, they cannot diagnose or rule out lung cancer on their own. Discuss the findings with a physician or health care facility like Via Scan of Las Colinas, who can use them in conjunction with further diagnostic procedures like lung scans and a biopsy to aid in the diagnosis. The findings of these tests may only be interpreted and recommended courses of action by a physician.

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