Where To Get a Coronary Calcium Scan Near Me?

August 13, 2024 by 123bodyscan0

A heart scan can determine your risk for heart disease at an early stage. It is an excellent way to monitor your health if you are worried about the condition of your heart. More specifically, a coronary calcium scan is a non-invasive procedure that quantifies the calcium content in the coronary artery walls. This calcium level might serve as a marker for atherosclerosis or coronary artery disease (CAD). This blog discusses the significance of coronary calcium scans. You can also explore other information regarding heart scans.

Why Doesn’t Insurance Cover Coronary Calcium Scan?

This is one of the most common questions asked by several individuals. The most important factor is that coronary calcium scans are more often seen as preventative than diagnostic by many insurance providers. The test is commonly considered an optional procedure since its main purpose is to assess the risk of future heart disease rather than to identify a current issue. Experts agree that coverage should be mandatory since the test may save lives by identifying those at risk at an early stage. If you are worried about the cost, you can check with your insurance carrier to see whether or not they give any coverage or discounts for preventative heart health exams.

How Long Does a Heart CT Scan Take? 

It usually takes less than 10 minutes to actually scan the heart. However, it may take around 30 to 60 minutes for the whole session, which includes preparation and consultation after the scan. The patient lies on a table that slides into a computerized tomography (CT) scanner. This captures high-resolution pictures of the patient’s heart. The process is not painful and involves just a short period of time. It is basically an option that is valuable for those who have some busy schedules.

What is the Treatment for a High Calcium Score?

You are more likely to have coronary artery disease and a high risk of heart attack if your coronary calcium scan indicates a high calcium score. The criteria from the calcium score guidelines assist medical professionals in determining the most appropriate course of action for you. In most cases, treatment consists of making changes to one’s lifestyle as well as taking medicine to control risk factors. A review of typical remedies is presented here:

  • Lifestyle Changes:

Important actions include adopting a diet that is good for the heart. You can increase the amount of physical exercise you get, give up smoking, and learn to manage your stress.

  • Medications:

Doctors may give you cholesterol-lowering medications to lower your cholesterol, aspirin to reduce the likelihood of blood clots, or other medicines to keep your blood pressure in balance.

  • Further Testing:

Further evaluation of the heart’s health may need the use of imaging techniques such as angiograms or stress testing.

It is vital to have regular follow-up appointments with your healthcare practitioner in order to assess your progress. You can also make any required modifications to the treatment plan that you have been following.

Why No Caffeine Before Calcium Scoring?

The findings of the heart scan may be affected by caffeine. This is because your heart rate and blood pressure may both rise as a consequence of caffeine use, which may have an impact on the outcomes of the scan. For the best assessment of your coronary calcium levels, it is ideal to maintain a state of complete cardiac relaxation. It is generally advised that you refrain from caffeine for a minimum of twelve hours before the examination.

Choose Our Preventive Heart Scan

Early Detection Saves Lives!

    • Accurate
    • Quick Result
    • Affordable

Where to Get a Coronary Calcium Scan Near Me?

Via Scan of Las Colinas is one of the best options to choose from a list of medical centers for heart scans. We have exceptional equipment based on advanced technology to assess any anomalies in your body. Our professional staff is competent enough to deliver you excellent services based on the calcium score guidelines. We strictly follow the rules and regulations of scanning techniques to help you get the most accurate and clear results. Our assessing tools are up to the mark. We also provide consultations regarding any health problems. Our qualified team is available 24/7 to help you.

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